If you're looking to buy or sell in Clearwood, we would love to help! We are your Clearwood agents!
Their website is fantastic! With all the HOA info you need and updated neighborhood info on happenings and meeting info. https://www.clearwood-yelm.com/
- Clearwood has over 1,000 homes
- 3 Lakes – all stocked with fish
- Clearlake: 170 acres, max depth 25 feet
- Blue Lake: 11.2 acres, max depth 11 feet
- Horseshoe Lake: 9.2 acres, shallow
- SIX private beaches, boat launch and docks
- 16 miles of private roads
- Indoor swimming pool and hot tub
- 5 playgrounds, parks, cabanas and BBQs
- 6 Restrooms
- 3 Basketball and tennis courts, 2 baseball field and 3 soccer fields
- 14 miles of walking trails along the water (THE BEST PART!)
- The community is on a private water system/well managed by the HOA